Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Ebony Scrooge is the sole owner of Ebony's Plum Pudding Company. Plum puddings have become quite popular and Ebony's business has experienced substantial growth. For the past five years - Writeedu

Ebony Scrooge is the sole owner of Ebony’s Plum Pudding Company. Plum puddings have become quite popular and Ebony’s business has experienced substantial growth. For the past five years

Ebony Scrooge is the sole owner of Ebony’s Plum Pudding Company. Plum puddings have become quite popular and Ebony’s business has experienced substantial growth. For the past five years, Ebony’s gross income has ranged from $250,000 to $275,000 per year. As a self-employed person, Ebony is considering establishing an individual retirement plan. However, she does not know the difference between a traditional IRA, a Roth IRA and a Keough Plan. Ebony knows little about each of these retirement account so has come to you for advice.

1. Ebony has little or no debt. She is 37 and would like to retire at an early age. What would you advise?

2. Ebony is also concerned about fluctuations in the market. While her business is currently experiencing steady growth, she wants to know whether she can access her retirement money should the business need additional capital.

3. Finally, Ebony explains that in addition to her plum pudding business she is employed by Marley Enterprises and is covered under Marley’s corporate plan. What effect, if any, will this have on the different retirement plans?

Please write a letter to Ebony to answer her concerns, citing appropriate authority where applicable.

Must include:

3 united states cases 

3 United states statutes

4 pages + cover page + reference page

Use proper citations

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